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Showing posts from August, 2017

A Course in Miracles and the Movies

Enjoy the following excerpt taken from a transcribed talk by  A Course in Miracles  teacher David Hoffmeister. It’s very much like when you go to a movie theatre, you are going to watch a movie. It's already been shot. It’s in the can. It’s being projected. You can't change what is happening in the movie. Well, they actually are coming out with movies now where you can, but for this metaphor, we are talking about the last decade of films, black and white. etc. You can't change it. People do talk to the screen. Like, Don't go down that hallway. Don't go in there! Don't go in there. Don't. Get away from him. You know it’s a bunch of images on a screen but they are talking to them as if they were real people. That's the mesmerism of this whole world; forget that you are dreaming, watching a movie and become so identified with the characters, you really believe that they are real characters that can hear you. Jesus talks of that in  A Cours...